Archive for January, 2020

  • Jan222020

    Increase Your Company’s Value with Accurate Accounting

    Why does accurate accounting matter? Let me tell you a story. Years ago, I worked with the owners of an…

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  • Jan222020

    5 Things to Do on a Personal Inventory Day

    With the first month of the new year nearly over, how are you doing on the goals you set for…

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  • Jan222020

    11 Step Financial Checklist for New Parents

    What’s one thing you wish you’d known about being a parent before you became one? For me, it’s just how…

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  • Jan222020

    Should I Spend Money to Lower My Tax Bill?

    As year-end approaches, small business owners turn to their accountants and ask one question: “Should I buy X before year-end…

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  • Jan222020

    What is an S Corp Election?

    Spend any time reading about tax-saving strategies or talking to small business advisers, and you’re bound to hear about S…

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  • Jan222020

    An Easy 3-Step Process for How to Track Business Expenses

    A few years ago, I helped a real estate agent who hadn’t filed a tax return in several years. His…

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  • Jan222020

    S Corp Bonus vs. Distribution: How to Give Yourself an Extra Paycheck

    At the end of the year, many business owners look at their financial statements for ways to increase their compensation…

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